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- The added value of social value by Adrian Leer
- Elucidating AI by Ben Davey, MSc
- Major policing reforms and technology. What’s next? by Jon Graham
- Designing for accessibility by Joanne Petrillo
- Training to pass a Service Assessment with flying colours by Jenny Lardh
- My role as a Technical Architect by Navin Sadarangani
- Six things I learned about the Next Tech Generation, by Ana Moreira
- Day in the life of Matt Goodman
- Why Microsoft Copilot is a game changer for users with accessibility requirements. By Ngozi Efedje
- Introducing Triad’s User-Centred Design team
- Artificial Narrow Intelligence. What it is, and why it matters by Ben Davey MSc
- Will AI make UX obsolete? By Ana Moreira
- Is your data management strategy holding you back? by Dave Horton
- Collaboration – Why collaboration is key and how it can influence your stakeholder strategy by Chris Blake
- Mitigating the risk of shadow AI in organisations by Ben Davey MSc
- A day in my life, by Steve Maynard
- Understanding the differences between Shadow AI and BYOAI, by Ben Davey MSc
- Communication. Why it is an important part of any content migration process by Chris Blake
- The rise of Shadow AI by Ben Davey MSc
- Verification. Why it’s a critical component of any content migration strategy by Chris Blake
- A day in my life, by Naheed Vyas
- How to get the best out of data-driven design by Jenny Lardh
- A day in my life, by Lauren Collier
- Planning. Why it’s a critical component of any content migration strategy by Chris Blake
- Content Migration. A series intro by Chris Blake
- A day in the life of a Talent Consultant, by Ben Fowler
- A day in the life of a Sales Consultant, by Ed Duval
- A day in the life of a Business Support Administrator, by Gina Bonaccorsi
- Action for Children and me, by Ryan Jordan
- A day in my life, by Sreeparna Goswami
- Dual-Track Agile – when everyone is a researcher, by Dan Moore and Lucille Harvey
- A Finance Director in my shoes, by James McDonald
- A UX/UR Consultant in my shoes, by Joanne Petrillo
- Transforming police public contact with technology by Jon Graham
- Hello. I’m DAN! A Quick Guide to the Triad Disability & Accessibility Network by Lee Atkinson and Darren Williams
- A Software Developer in my shoes, by Meera Nagesh
- A Principal Consultant in my shoes, by Darren Williams
- Police contact management strategy could be a ‘game changer’ with the right adoption by Jon Graham
- A Test Analyst in my shoes, by Olakunle Olasope
- The Triad Challenge and challenges at Triad. Life after University
- Making your first job a success, by Daria Czajkowska
- A Business Analyst in my shoes, by Sabina Muskietorz
- A Business Analyst in my shoes, by Jenny Slade-Pedrick
- A Delivery Manager in my shoes, by Ngozi Efedje
- Creating a case management system that users will love, by Dave Lovegrove
- A Senior Consultant in my shoes, by David Preston
- User-centered design. Who gets it?
- A Business Analyst in my shoes, by Daria Czajkowska
- Microsoft and Generative AI, by Chris Blake
- Winning User Experience Project of the Year with the Department for Transport
- Winning Digital Transformation Project of the Year with the Ministry of Justice HM Prison and Probation Service
- Usability testing. And why it works by Jenny Lardh
- The roller coaster of discovery by Lucille Harvey
- Boycott your Bed 2023. A night out in London, by Matthew Goodman
- The Complex World of Web Application Security Testing – Part One by Nithiya Subramanian and Shruthi Jagadeesh
- The Complex World of Web Application Security Testing – Part Two by Nithiya Subramanian and Shruthi Jagadeesh
- How to pass a Service Assessment with flying colours, by Jenny Lardh
- A Delivery Manager in my shoes, by Tony Bovenkamp
- A Junior Consultant in my shoes, by Isabelle Stevenson
- A Principal Consultant in my shoes, by Mark Caine
- A Business Analyst in my shoes, by Rhianna Conway
- A Delivery Manager in my shoes, by Dan Moore
- My journey to Triad – Interim to Perm, by Farhan Ansari
- A Managing Director in my shoes, by Adrian Leer
- University of Northampton students excel at the Triad Challenge… again! By Rhianna Conway
- Client Services Director in my shoes, by Tim Eckes
- A Managing Consultant in my shoes, by Dave Horton
- CTO in my shoes, by Ant Cook
- Microsoft 365 in my shoes, by Dom Kardokas
- Business Analysis in my shoes, by Samantha Lloyd
- Project Management in my shoes, by Michael Hudson
- ChatGPT. What’s all the fuss about?
- Personas. And why we use them in UX – by Jenny Lardh
- The importance of stakeholders. And why they matter in UX by Jenny Lardh
- Client and supplier dynamics in the public sector by Adrian Leer
- The Triad Delivery Management Map
- Everyone is a researcher. They just don’t know it! by Lucille Harvey
- Boycott your Bed 2022. A night out in London, by Adrian Leer
- What is a user flow? And when you should use them by Jenny Lardh
- Are internet security and cloud computing mutually exclusive?
- Usability testing on a budget by Jenny Lardh
- The digital challenges facing UK policing, and why collaboration is key
- Technology and why brilliant people make a difference by Antony Cook
- How do you create a user experience for users who know a process too well? by Jenny Lardh
- Achieving outcomes together – lessons from the Police Digital Summit by Jon Graham
- Our favourite UX research questions
- University of Northampton students excel at the Triad Challenge
- How UX can help problem solving in the public sector
- UX in our shoes, by Jenny Lardh and Lucille Harvey
- Triad secures eighth Microsoft Gold competency
- The Power Platform journey
- UX and me
- 3 Reasons to Simplify and Move to Modern “Flat” SharePoint
- A converging trilogy of digital technologies
- The next three blockers to public service transformation and why they need to go
- Triad and DfT project shortlisted for UK IT Industry Awards
- Workplace wellbeing – Opportunities and barriers in the digital age
- Microsoft Teams: Eliminating Data Breaches with Triad and WorkPoint
- The business justification for AI
- Building high performing teams whilst building high performing software
- Triad wins Tech Company of the Year!!
- Microsoft Teams: Your Single Point Of Failure?
- Digital Leaders Week: Triad webinar on automated testing
- Triad & DfT renewable fuel project shortlisted at Digital Leader Impact Awards
- The behaviours your team needs to make SCRUM successful and how to achieve them
- Developing accessible web applications case study and why it matters
- Triad signs the Tech Talent Charter
- What did the seismic shock in 2020 mean for tech trends?
- WorkPoint joins forces with Triad Group Plc to accelerate Microsoft 365 benefits to clients
- Case Management and Project Management using Microsoft 365
- How can Intelligent Automation help the legal sector innovate?
- Triad Group Plc strengthens team with security, development and automation hires
- The Legal sector must innovate: Can Intelligent Automation help?
- How to successfully manage technical debt and why now is a great time to tackle it
- What is the difference between Testing and Quality Assurance? And, does it matter?
- Triad makes Disability Confident commitment
- The case for value drivers compared to KPIs alone
- eBook executive summary: advice to CFOs embarking on IA projects
- Blueprints for Intelligent Automation in finance – webinar
- Chapter 1: The changing role of the CFO
- A finance insider’s perspective on automation
- Four of the best UI Test Automation tools for Dynamics 365
- Automation delivering huge cost and time savings to finance, but a change in priorities is required to deliver expected growth
- Well done Triad team! A fantastic Boycott your Bed charity effort
- Seizing unexpected opportunities
- Deep dive into blockchain
- Don’t gamble with quality
- Innovation in Utilities and the role of Intelligent Automation – podcast
- Deep dive into Agile
- Lockdown lessons and the confessions of a Business Analyst
- James McDonald appointed to the Triad Board as Finance Director
- 15th Annual National Digital Conference: Resilience
- Process automation in action – Triad video
- Six reasons why now is the right time to start your business’ automation journey
- Chapter 2: Significant future trends
- How organisations can use a crisis to prepare for recovery
- Event sourcing in a microservices environment webcast series
- 2020 tech trends: Optimism, budgets & talent shortages chapter
- Triad appointed to the Automation Marketplace by the Crown Commercial Service
- Why preparing for the sunshine after the storm starts now
- Qualifying the benefits of new technology
- Tech innovations through a Coronavirus lens
- “Who fixes the robots?”
- RPA – not just a means to an end
- Making the best of your position as a Crown Commercial Services Framework supplier
- AiThority Interview with Adrian Leer, Triad’s MD
- Triad 2020 tech trends survey
- Understanding the role of trust in blockchain adoption
- Test Automation VS Process Automation
- Blockchain, a game of two halves – Part 2
- Triad newsletter sign-up
- Blockchain, a game of two halves – Part 1
- Framework partnership with Stratis builds enterprise blockchain-based application opportunities
- Triad selected by the Crown Commercial Service for the Independent quality assurance testing (QAT) framework
- Why are Agile ceremonies important for Quality Assurance?
- How to setup OWASP ZAP to scan your web application for security vulnerabilities
- Why Intelligent Automation so often fails to deliver its promised benefits, and how to fix it.
- Mythbusters – The Agile budget edition
- Triad 2020 tech trends survey
- Unpacking Agile – Why it’s important that everyone is on the same page
- A practical approach to Agile Testing – part 2
- A practical approach to Agile Testing – part 1
- Agile and third parties – how to get it right
- Creating Triad’s accessibility empathy lab
- Hear what it’s like to join the Triad team
- How to optimise test automation on Agile projects – Part 2
- Triad supports University of Surrey career fair
- Triad secures place on Digital Outcomes and Specialists 4 framework
- Triad Group Plc gains Google Cloud Partner accreditation
- How to optimise test automation on Agile projects – Part 1
- Do’s and don’ts for picking a third party supplier when digital skills are scarce
- Digital skills gap – Watch our videos to hear experts share their insights
- Triad secures G-Cloud 11 place with Crown Commercial mention
- Best Digital Transformation Consultancy – UK
- Triad is proud to sponsor The Power Platform World Tour
- What defines a digital workspace?
- How to enable collaboration in three simple steps
- Three ways Office 365 enables the mobile workforce
- Aligning digital transformation with business strategy roundtable
- How to run a successful mixed-generation digital workforce
- GOV.UK: 5 ways to contribute to the greater good
- Tackling the challenge of digital skills shortages
- What’s driving change in Legacy IT? Part 2
- What’s driving change in Legacy IT? Part 1
- What are the major challenges of legacy transformation? Part 2
- What are the major challenges of legacy transformation? Part 1
- Triad awarded place on CCS Data and Application Solutions framework for provision of Workflow & Case Management Solutions
- Using Government Digital Service principles to improve private sector development
- C-suite roundtable finds resourcing still a challenge
- Digital Outcomes and Specialists 3
- GovTech gets a future boost with new collaboration
- Preferred Supplier at Crown Estate
- Triad Group Plc awarded place on G-Cloud 10 framework
- Triad’s Agile Playbook
- Blueprints for Intelligent Automation in finance: Dave Horton, Digital Leaders week
- Using Agile techniques when working remotely
- The rise of Intelligent Automation
- Event Sourcing in a Microservices Environment – Part 4
- Event Sourcing in a Microservices Environment – Part 3
- Tech innovations through a C-19 lens
- Event Sourcing in a Microservices Environment – Part 2
- Event Sourcing in a Microservices Environment – Part 1
- IT projects in the Public sector
- Remote working and Microsoft tools
- The Microsoft wish list – what’s on it?
- The impact of Office365 on business
- Understanding Agile and its opportunities
- Which Microsoft tools are having the greatest impact?
- Digital transformation in the public sector
- An introduction to Triad Group Plc
- Advantages and disadvantages of a reliance on Office365
- Hear what it’s like when you join the Triad team
- Planning a successful Microsoft roll out
- Digital skills – Matt Smith – Global Chief Architect, IFS
- Summary digital skills shortage video
- Digital skills – Abby Ewen – IT Director, Berrymans Lace Mawer
- Digital skills – Pawan Nandrajog – Director, Digital Transformation, Infosys Consulting
- Digital skills – Lawrence Lewis – Director, Consulting Stream
- AGI ECN “Your Future in the Geospatial Industry”
- Agile methodology: Friend or foe?
- The CFO in the 2020s: Finance and Intelligent Automation
- 2020 tech trends
- Unpacking the future impact of Microsoft technologies
- The Digital Skills Gap: How the lack of skills is affecting business transformation efforts
- Do Government Digital Design Principles work for the Commercial Sector?
- What is the DNA of the very best IT suppliers?
- 38 IT leaders, legacy and the challenge of digital transformation
Case Studies
- Building a secure system for the Department for Transport
- Creating a new case management system for the OPSS
- How to save six weeks of development time on every project
- Helping DESNZ and the DSIT improve cyber security
- Digital transformation of the year – Delivering technology into prison cells
- Helping DSIT lay foundations for a best-inclass data strategy
- Creating a contact management technology strategy for Essex Police and Kent Police
- Finding the right multimedia redaction tools for the UK’s police force
- Designing and building a system to administer the UK’s Clean Heat Market Mechanism
- Helping the MOJ save money by replacing legacy IT systems
- Triad improve the resilience and flexibility of BEIS Corporate Services Data Management System
- Triad collaborates with Ofgem to transform their ECO service
- Triad helps the Office for Product Safety & Standards to consolidate and improve systems, without the premium of a new platform
- BEIS commissions Triad to support decommissioning of the Green Homes Grant Voucher Scheme
- Triad delivers seamless communications transition to BEIS
- Triad Business Analysts Help Deliver Criminal Justice System Transformation
- Triad builds a data lake to power Foot Anstey’s growth
- Triad helps delayed project find the right data and Power Apps solution
- The art of balancing re-platforming and re-engineering IT systems
- New Kubernetes platform for DfT delivered into Live service
- “Removing the Beta banner” on a new public service
- Delivering a transformative technical strategy for the DfT during lockdown
- Building a documentation and geospatial project management system for Dalcour Maclaren
- Developing Apps and Flow
- UK Telecommunications Infrastructure
- National Surveyor
- National Justice Organisation
- Major Infrastructure Agency
- Global Bank
- Key Government department
- Consumer Services Organisation