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Please answer three quick questions to help us understand which technologies will shape 2021.

2020 research: IT industry overwhelmingly positive about the future, keen to embrace new tech but facing budgetary pressure.

Last year we ran an in-depth survey to understand the attitudes of technology experts in the UK and beyond, We asked members of the IT community to share their insights on future trends and views on adoption rates for different technologies during the next decade.

Key questions included:
  • What does the future technology landscape look like to senior IT professionals?
  • What budgetary pressures bear down on IT departments?
  • Whether the digital skills shortage will improve or worsen?
For a full overview of the findings click here or download the eBook here.

Podcast: The Legal sector must innovate:

Can Intelligent Automation help?

The Legal sector must innovate: Can Intelligent Automation help?
In this podcast, we're talking about innovation in the Legal sector and the use of Intelligent Automation. Two digital experts, Damon Harding of Digital Works Group and Dave Horton of Triad share straight talking, no nonsense, practical information and advice for successful digital transformation. Listen here.
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